IEW Totems

Ina Etsi Wyandot Confederacy Totems

Animals-Image-WolfWolf Symbolism

In the spirit animal kingdom, the wolf symbolizes:

  •         Sharp intelligence, deep connection with instincts
  •         Appetite for freedom
  •         Expression of strong instincts
  •         Feeling threatened, lack of trust in someone or in yourself

Positive symbolism of the wolf spirit animal

Positive meanings emphasize a deep connection with your intuition and instincts. On the negative side, the wolf could represent a perceived threat or a lack of trust in someone or your own feelings or actions. This spirit animal also reflects sharp intelligence in dealing with important matters.


Turtle Symbolism

The turtle symbolism is characterized by the association with the Earth and earth symbols of groundedness and patience:

  •         Symbol of the world, of the Earth
  •         Ability to stay grounded, even in moments of disturbances and chaos
  •         Slowing down, pacing yourself
  •         Determination, persistence
  •         Emotional strength and understanding
  •         Ancient wisdom

The turtle is also linked to the spirit of the water and the fluid nature of emotions.

Turtle totem teachings for walking your path

The turtle totem symbolizes our peaceful walk on this earth. It represents the path we take as we embark on our journey through life.  In contrast to emotional or spiritual development occurring in bursts, the way of the turtle anchors our personal unfolding in a slow, more grounded series of steps and longer cycles of transformation.

The turtle is associated with our physical and embodied evolution on the earthly plane. Call this spirit animal for help to be more grounded. You can also get help slowing down and pacing yourself, so you can take your next step with more confidence.


Snake Symbolism

When the snake shows up as your spirit animal, it generally means:

  •         Snake spirit animals represent healing
  •         Transformation, life changes
  •         The spirit of the snake is connected to life force, primal energy
  •         A meaning for the snake spirit animal is spiritual guidance

The snake as a spirit animal can be to provide guidance about life changes and transitions, whether they are happening at the physical, emotional or spiritual level.

Snake spirit animals, symbols for healing

The snake is close to earth energies and represents life force. Since it’s a reptile, the snake spirit animal is reminiscent of unconscious drives and primal instincts. When the snake spirit animal shows up, pay attention to how you use your energy, and where you draw it from.

If you see the snake as your spirit or power animal, be sensitive to your healing abilities towards yourself or others. Cultivate sources of energy and support, especially as they relate to the earth and nature.

In ancient traditions as well as modern times, snakes are symbols of healing powers and opportunities. In the Greek mythology, Aesclepius, the god of medicine, is featured with two snakes climbing up a rod, the symbol of what is known today as the Caduceus.